Our car & vehicle key cutting & replacement services
Have you lost one or even both of your car or vehicles keys? Don’t panic Autovision Locksmith Services Lowestoft are on hand to cut you a new set of keys in a jiffy!
Using a reputable car locksmith service like Autovision Locksmith Services can help you get back on the road in no time and take the stress out of what seems like an impossible situation.
Not only can we get into your vehicle, no matter what the make and model, we can also cut a completely new set of keys for you even if you haven’t got a spare!
Our service is also fully mobile so when you are faced with the impossible situation of having lost both your keys with absolutely no way of getting into your car or vehicle we can help, so please don’t panic, we are here for you!
So no matter whether you need a spare car keys cutting or you need a whole new set of car keys please do get in touch today and let us get you sorted.
ECU e-prom work
Using cutting and soldering skills acquired over many years, we’re able to remove ECUs, body control modules and immobiliser units safely and cleanly to retrieve vehicle pin codes. We’ll save you thousands of pounds in main dealer charges for new modules and replacement keys.

Need some urgent help or advice?
Contact Autovision Locksmith Services Lowestoft online!
Why choose Autovision Locksmiths?
Three great reasons why you should choose us to help you with your car & vehicle keys!

Fast friendly services
Our team are on hand to help you get back on the road in no time!

We’re here to help
No matter whether you have lost both of your car keys or just need a duplicate we can help!

Lost your keys? No problem!
If you do lose your keys Autovision Locksmith Services have the solution for you!